Low-lying Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to earthquakes and the effects of climate change such as extreme annual floods, cyclones, and tornadoes. Every year, 20% to 30% of Bangladesh is flooded. This hampers development and brings large destruction to the crops crucial to feeding the population. Floods threaten food security and their effects on agricultural production cause food shortage.

Disaster Management

In order to minimize the effects of such destruction, we have a strategic disaster management process, which involves mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.


Mitigation: Risk reduction

This stage involves the use of long-term measures and through risk analysis and catastrophe modelling to reduce and/or eliminate risk. Currently, our focus will be on implementing non-structural measures such as land-use planning to protect crops and livestock from devastation and providing education in post-disaster protocol. As our activities expand to other regions in Bangladesh, we aspire to implement effective non-structural measures and technological solutions such as flood levees and building retrofitting for earthquakes.


Preparedness: Preparing resources to respond to the hazard

Once steps have been taken to mitigate the destructive impact of natural disasters, we need to be prepared to tackle the eventual outcome of a natural disaster. This involves:

  • Providing basic emergency response and organization training to volunteers among Bashati’s inhabitants to aid each other and professional emergency workers
  • Building a network with national and international organizations for prompt emergency response
  • Developing and exercise emergency population warning methods, including emergency shelters and evacuation plans
  • Stockpiling an inventory of streamlined shelter, medical, and food supplies
  • Maintain other disaster supplies and equipment


Response: Respond to the actual damage caused by the hazard

In order to respond to the damage incurred by a natural disaster, we will rely on the help of national and international organizations to mobilize necessary medical and emergency services.



The focus of the recovery stage is to limiting further damage and return as close as possible to the pre-hazard state with the aim to “build back better”. As a result, further mitigative measures will be implemented to reduce inherent pre-disaster risks.


Relief Fund

Destruction from such natural disasters has caused threatened many livelihoods and have forced families to start over. In order to support the growth and social development of Bashati's inhabitants, our relief fund is dedicated to providing financial aid post natural disasters.